Friday, 22 November 2013

Badger Cull - Update on Legal Action

    For information about The Badger Trust and to join them please click here

As you know, the Directors have been involved in ongoing discussions with our scientific and legal advisers regarding the possibility of taking further legal action against the Coalition Government’s decision to trial a cull of badgers in the belief that this will have an impact on the spread of bovine TB. On 13th November 2013 our lawyers received the minutes of the Natural England Meeting held on 23rd October 2013 which disclosed details of how their Board arrived at the decision to extend the licenses to cull badgers for a further eight weeks in Gloucestershire. It is apparent from the minutes that opinion was seriously divided and the few who supported the extension relied heavily on the opinion of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Nigel Gibbens.

The legal advice received from Bindmans has been consistent in saying that the timing of our next legal challenge is crucial and should be made when we have grounds which will stand up in Court, and where a win will have maximum impact. You will be aware that these grounds must be points of law; sentiment, anger and common sense or scientific evidence alone do not suffice to make a solid legal case. We have debated whether we should challenge the extensions or wait until the Independent Expert Panel have reported on whether the six-week pilot trials are deemed to be humane, safe and effective.

Badger Trust is going to tribunal on 18-19 December against DEFRA to uphold its win before the Information Commissioner earlier this year. Badger Trust hopes to seek disclosure of evidence on risks associated with culling, which DEFRA is trying to keep secret despite the enormous public interest in understanding the risks before the roll-out decision next year.

We will continue discussions with our legal advisers to establish whether there are strong enough grounds to mount a further legal challenge to prevent the potential slaughter of many thousands of badgers throughout England, which Owen Paterson has said will be necessary for the next 25 years.
We take this opportunity to remind you of our charitable objectives which are as follows:

“Badger Trust promotes the conservation and welfare of badgers and the protection of their setts and habitats for the public benefit. We are the leading voice for badgers and represent and support local voluntary badger groups. Badger Trust provides expert advice on all badger issues and works closely with Government, the police and other conservation and welfare organisations.

Protecting badgers through science, the law -and public support”

As you will appreciate, there are no guarantees where legal action is involved but you can rest assured that Badger Trust will continue to fulfill its charitable objectives and will take whatever viable legal action is open to it against the mindless slaughter of a protected species, at the earliest realistic opportunity. Thank you for your continued support.

David Williams,


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