Sunday, 24 November 2013

Time to Stop wasting taxpayers money and stop the cull

The Welsh government has spent £943,000 on vaccinating 1,424 badgers in the North Pembrokeshire Intensive Action Area, resulting in a 85% drop of TB in Badgers.

For a Wildlife Trust to undertake the work it would be even less, as each badger vaccine costs just £20, every trap £100, while staff time to carry out the baiting of traps and injections is also a significant cost but will be less than £600 total costs.

If every badger was wiped out, Bovine TB (tuberculosis) will still exist, as experts suggests that badgers are responsible for just 10 - 20% of cases! 

With 80-90% of infection steming from herd to herd transmission and from dirty farms!

So if you vaccinate the badgers they can't be blamed for spreading it :)

Happy Tax payer too as it will save them at least £50m per year in compensation paid to farmers :)

When culling badgers is just a smokescreen to appease the Chinese, who the government are hoping dairy sales too them will help our economy (leaving the UK short of milk!!); though the Chinese won't buy until bTB is eradicated in the UK.

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